Are you interested in Balinese wedding? Well, in your effort to find information about Bali destination wedding, you might come across with information about traditional wedding in Bali. It has become a clear fact that Bali has become one of the most popular destinations to get married in the world. Not only do local people but also foreigners choose to get married in this island. Consequently, there are several types of wedding ceremonies that are commonly held. This condition gives you many ideas for your dream wedding. As you know, if you have many options to choose, you will likely have a better chance to find the best choice.
Among the several types of wedding ceremony that you can find in Bali, Balinese wedding is the most interesting one. It happens not only because it is a traditional wedding but also because it is extremely unique. The combination of traditional thingy and unique procession makes many couples become interested in getting married using this traditional ceremony. In fact, this traditional wedding is not for everyone. Unless you meet the requirements, you will not be able to do it. Basically, if you want to have a Balinese wedding, you should hold Hindu religion because this wedding ceremony is a religious ceremony. In case you are currently practicing a religion other than Hindu, you should convert to Hindu in order to be able to get married in Balinese ceremony.
However, if you do not want to convert but insist in experiencing a wedding in Balinese ceremony, you could ask for Balinese blessing ceremony. While the religious Balinese wedding is a legal ceremony, the Balinese blessing ceremony is just a blessing ceremony. Meaning to say, couples who get married in a religious wedding will get wedding certificate while those who get married in a blessing ceremony will not.
Then, Balinese wedding actually consists of series of ceremony that should all be followed. The ceremonies include providing offerings to descendants and family ancestors through home shrines. The offerings are arranged beautifully and consist of items that are required by the priest. On the wedding day, there is usually more than priest that lead the ritual and several assistants that help the priest perform the ritual. Due to the much equipment that should be prepared, Balinese wedding can be costly especially if you ask for more blessings. If you are on a budget, you do not need worry because you can choose to get fewer blessings. The less the blessing, the cheaper the cost is.
Furthermore, after you finish all the procession of religious ceremony, you should register your marriage to Indonesian government in order to get wedding certificate. For your Balinese wedding, you will need to provide a copy of passports, birth certificate, 4 4×6 pictures of the couple, copy of two witnesses’ passport, and a statement letter from the bride and groom informing that they are intended to get married in Hindu ceremony and will hold Hindu religion. Once these requirements are submitted, you will be able to get your wedding certificate within days.